I have seen this advertised on TV and at first thought it was really dorky- a blanket with sleeves!?! However, since my computer is saying it is -8 outside right now I am no longer thinking this is a dorky product. It is a very useful product- you can even walk around with it on! Plus, it comes with a handy book light for FREE. I think I need to order one.....
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Best Job Ever?
I was perusing Yahoo! tonight and came across this article on the best job in the world. For 6 months, you live on an island in Australia and basically sell it to tourists- all for a salary equivalent to $100,000 US dollars. Not too bad, huh? Now I'm not the type of person who loves to rough it so this may not be the best job for me, but considering the length of employment and the salary I could probably learn to deal with it.
Ever since I was 7 I wanted to be a teacher- it was my "best job ever." After teaching for 9 years I still have fond memories, but the longer I'm away from it the more I think I may be called to do something different when it is time to go back to work. It may be education-related, or may be completely unrelated. Here are some recent thoughts I've had:
1. A preschool teacher (2-yr-olds). This would be once my babies are bigger, and I wish they were babies again. The upside? No conferences. The downside? More poop.
2. The Director of Education Scheduling at Clowes Memorial Hall. This is not the official title, but I read about this job recently in the paper. Basically you'd be in charge of scheduling shows for school-aged children, and doing the research behind the standards taught in the shows. I think. It sounds kind of cool, though!
3. Start my own business. Right now I have no idea what that would be.
4. Go back to school. I don't know what for, though.
Luckily I (think I) have plenty of time to figure out what to do from here since I'm not planning on going back to work anytime soon. Right now my best job is being a wife and mother, but if I had to pick an actual paying job I don't know what my best job would be. What would YOUR best job be? Maybe you can give me inspiration. :)
Posted by SisterKW at 9:35 PM 4 comments