So I've officially been in my house for 6 weeks (well, 4 with my heat being broken the past 2 weeks). I thought I'd let you peek inside - you know, in a completely non-stalkerish way. I don't have pictures of the upstairs yet, but here is the downstairs and outside...

I really wanted a decent sized backyard, which was hard to find in my price range. But this yard is actually pretty big - big enough to have all those wild, raging parties, you know. It had NO PLANTS whatsoever (unless you include over 342 types of weeds), so I had those two trees planted and - if you can squint - I planted the 4 dogwood bushes back there.
Now...this was my first attempt in ever planting something other than flowers. It was fairly cold that day (maybe 50 degrees and cloudy), and the shovel wouldn't break ground. So I found this tool in my garage....

...and used it to plant 5 1/2 bushes. I'm sure it was a hilarious sight to see. Thanks to my dad who so graciously planted the 1 1/2 I had left. :-)
Holly, that's great! I'm sure it feels like slow going, but it must be very exciting to have it all to yourself. No heat is no good though, it's been very cold!
Great post, Holly--though I had to pull out my Spanish dictionary to translate it. Ha! The pictures are great--you've already done a lot with the place. So when's the housewarming party?
I am so glad you posted these pics, Holly! That kitchen is just awesome and perfect to hold the keg in! How is the finishing of the table going? What a perfect house and so close :)
Very nice! I can't wait to see how the table will look in your dining room. Sorry I won't be able to help paint since Keith will be gone for three weeks. :( Maybe if you are not finished by Christmas I can help then! Everything looks great!
great house, Kelly! I love it!
OOPS!!!!!!!! I mean HOLLY!!!!!!!!!!!
hahaha - Shannon, you make me laugh!
Thanks, guys! It's nothing fancy...but it's kinda cool finally owning my own place. :-) Hopefully it will be "ready" soon so you can all stop by...
That kitchen is just begging for an island. "Please Holly. But me an island. Wouldn't I look beautiful with an island to adorn my center? Think of all the crap that you could pile up on my beautiful island." Heck, we all know the more counter space you have, the more places to put more clutter! Okay, so maybe that is just how it goes in the Smith house.
LOVE the house! You are doing a great job with it! Can't wait to see it in person sometime soon!
Hahahaha...Emily, you are too funny! That is in my plans. In 5 years when I can afford one. No, but really, this family LOOOOOVES to eat - we need another place on which to place food! :-)
I want to have you girls over soon - hopefully in a few weeks it will look a little different....
Looks GREAT, Holly! That kitchen is BEGGING for a cookie party! ; )
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